Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Yellowstone NP Second Day

Bison herd crossing the main road with Paintpot steaming in the background

Saturday June 23rd: Today the plan was to drive back to the Old Faithful basin and walk the paths throughout the area. The NPS has laid out many miles of hard asphalt or boards to connect the geysers throughout this basin and we walked our share of them. On the way in we had the treat of being in the midst of a bison migration across the road. The herd was quite large, but luckily only about 50 of them broke away and moved to new grazing land on the other side of the roadway. Of course traffic slowed to a crawl. Some people in a hurry would wind their way among individual animals in a quite dangerous fashion. Carolyn got several nice pictures as we waited.
Once we got to Old Faithful we parked and got onto the trails leading to the outer geysers. We were able to see a number of them erupting - Daisy, Castle, Riverside, and even Old Faithful again from the vantage point of the Daisy Geyser. After the walk we had a late lunch picnic in the woods and stared down several big Ravens that looked like they wanted to share our sandwiches.

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