Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mt. St. Helens and Mt Ranier WA

Wednesday June 5 and Thursday June 6th: We had moved up to the Thousand Trails Preserve near Chehalis, WA on Tuesday and settled in. As we moved into Washington the weather became rainey and cooler as a front moved in to the area. It had been in the 80's up here last week while we were in the 50's on the Oregon coast. Now as we come to Washington the temperature has dropped into the 50's for us. I surely didn't expect to be wearing coats this far into the summer.

Wednesday we traveled down I-5 to the Mt. St. Helens Visitor Center. The had a good movie about the eruption in 1980 and a model of the volcano that you could walk down into to see the various layers and magma chambers. They also had a very nice nature walk out through the marshy land, about a mile around that we enjoyed.
The picture above shows the overcast very well. If you count the third peak to the left of the big center peak, that will be Mt. St. Helens.

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